Thursday, August 25, 2011

Using Recursive CTE to Minimize Table Scans

Company XYZ WORKS has four vendors.  Each vendor is paid based on goods supplied by them to XYZ WORKS. Based on the payment history, the company wants to know the least non-zero amount that was paid to each vendor. If a vendor wasn't ever paid any amount, then that vendor should also fall in ths list. It is this extra requirement that adds a little complication to the task. Lets solve the problem now.

First, we would create a table called dbo.Payment_Details as following:

if exists (select 1 from sys.tables
           where Schema_NAME(schema_ID) = 'dbo'
           and   name = 'Payment_Details')
   drop table dbo.Payment_Details

create table dbo.Payment_Details
(Name                varchar(10)
,Amount             int
,Payment_Date  smalldatetime)

Next, lets populate this table with relevant data:

insert into dbo.Payment_Details
values ('Veronica', '0', '20110201')
      ,('Veronica', '10', '20110301')
      ,('Veronica', '20', '20110401')
      ,('Veronica', '30', '20110501')
      ,('Tiffany', '40', '20110201')
      ,('Tiffany', '50', '20110301')
      ,('Tiffany', '60', '20110401')
      ,('John', '0', '20110201')
      ,('John', '70', '20110301')
      ,('John', '80', '20110401')
      ,('Anthony', '0', '20110201')

Lets see the contents of the table, dbo.Payment_Details:

select * from Payment_Details;

What we expect in the final solution is following:

Name             Amount
------------      ------------
Anthony         0
John               70
Tiffany           40
Veronica        10

Lets code some solutions:

Variation 1:

In this solution, we are using CTE but not recursively. In other words, a CTE does not reference itself. In this solution, the table, dbo.Payment_Details is being referenced twice, once per CTE.

with CTE_1 (Name, Amount)
as (select Name, min(Amount)
     from dbo.Payment_Details with (nolock)
     where Amount > 0
     group by Name)
,CTE_2 (Name, Amount)
as (select b.Name, b.Amount from dbo.Payment_Details b with (nolock)
     where b.Name not in (select Name from CTE_1)
     and b.Amount = 0
     union all
     select Name, Amount from CTE_1)

select * from CTE_2;

Variation 2:

In this solution, we are again using CTE but not recursively. In this solution, the table, dbo.Payment_Details is being referenced twice, both times in the first CTE.

with CTE_1 (Name, Amount, RowNumber)
as (select Name, Amount, row_number() over(Partition by Name order by Name, Amount) RowNumber
    from dbo.Payment_Details with (nolock)
    where Amount = 0
    select Name, Amount, row_number() over(Partition by Name order by Name, Amount desc) RowNumber
    from dbo.Payment_Details with (nolock)
    where Amount > 0)
,CTE_2 (Name, Amount, RowNumber)
as (select Name, Amount, row_number() over(partition by Name order by Name, RowNumber desc) RowNumber
     from CTE_1)

select Name, Amount from CTE_2
where RowNumber = 1;

Variation 3:

In this solution, we are again using CTE but recursively. In other words, a CTE is referencing itself within itself. In this solution, the table, dbo.Payment_Details is being referenced only once.

with CTE_1 (Name, Amount, RowNumber)
as (select distinct Name, Amount, row_number() over(Partition by Name order by Name, Amount) RowNumber
     from (select Name, Amount from dbo.Payment_Details with (nolock)) a
     union ALL
     select Name, Amount, row_number() over(Partition by Name order by Name, RowNumber desc) RowNumber
     from CTE_1
     where RowNumber = 2)

,CTE_2 (Name, Min_Amt, Max_Amt, RowNumber)
as (select distinct Name, min(Amount) over(partition by Name, RowNumber) Min_Amt, MAX(Amount) over(partition   by Name, RowNumber) Max_Amt, RowNumber
     from CTE_1
     where RowNumber = 1)

SELECT Name, case
                              when Min_Amt = 0 then Max_Amt
                              else Min_Amt
                            end Amount

In this article, we have shown that Recursive CTE could be used effectively to reduce the number of Scans of the referenced table.

Calculating Cumulative percentages with CTE

A company sells different products on the internet. For the sake of this example, lets say it sells bicycles, scooters and lawn mowers. Everyday, customers order different quantities of these three products. The company's capacity is to ship upto 25% of pending orders by sale amount of each product everyday. And the company wants to meet its capacity every weekday while making sure that customers are being served as per their order date starting with the earliest
pending order for a given product. For example, if there are pending orders worth $1000 for bicycles today, bicycles worth upto $250 should be shipped today in the order in which orders were placed by the customers. At the same time, orders should be shipped in full and not partially.

I am using just one table for this demo. It is not in the third normal form just to make the explanation simple. So lets create a base table with the relevant sample data. Please note that the code below is compatible with microsoft SQL Server 2008. With slight modifications, it can work in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as well :

if exists (select * from sys.tables
           where Schema_NAME(schema_ID) = 'dbo'
           and   name = 'Order_details')
   drop table dbo.Order_details

create table dbo.Order_details
(Order_ID                     int identity(1, 1) primary key clustered with (fillfactor = 50, data_compression = page)
,Order_Date                  smalldatetime not null
,Product_Name             varchar(50) not null
,Unit_Price                    decimal(28,2) not null
,Quantity_Ordered         smallint not null
,Order_Value                 as (Quantity_Ordered * Unit_Price)
,Order_Value_As_Percent_of_Pending_Orders_By_Product  decimal(28, 10) null
,CutOff_Value_By_Product                                                     decimal(28, 10) null
,Ship_It_Today              bit not null default (0)
,Shipping_Date              smalldatetime null)

Next, let us populate the table, dbo.Order_Details.

insert into dbo.Order_details (Order_Date, Product_Name, Unit_Price, Quantity_Ordered)
--10 orders for bicycles
 values (GETDATE()-10 , 'Bicycle', 100.00, 1)
,(GETDATE()-9 , 'Bicycle', 100.00, 2)
,(GETDATE()-8 , 'Bicycle', 100.00, 3)
,(GETDATE()-7 , 'Bicycle', 100.00, 4)
,(GETDATE()-6 , 'Bicycle', 100.00, 5)
,(GETDATE()-5 , 'Bicycle', 100.00, 6)
,(GETDATE()-4 , 'Bicycle', 100.00, 7)
,(GETDATE()-3 , 'Bicycle', 100.00, 8)
,(GETDATE(), 'Bicycle', 100.00, 2)
,(GETDATE(), 'Bicycle', 100.00, 10)
--10 orders for scooters
,(GETDATE()-10 , 'Scooter', 300.00, 5)
,(GETDATE()-9 , 'Scooter', 300.00, 2)
,(GETDATE()-8 , 'Scooter', 300.00, 4)
,(GETDATE()-7 , 'Scooter', 300.00, 1)
,(GETDATE()-6 , 'Scooter', 300.00, 6)
,(GETDATE()-5 , 'Scooter', 300.00, 9)
,(GETDATE()-4 , 'Scooter', 300.00, 10)
,(GETDATE()-3 , 'Scooter', 300.00, 2)
,(GETDATE(), 'Scooter', 300.00, 15)
,(GETDATE(), 'Scooter', 300.00, 13)
--10 orders for lawn mowers
,(GETDATE()-10 , 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 1)
,(GETDATE()-9 , 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 2)
,(GETDATE()-8 , 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 1)
,(GETDATE()-7 , 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 2)
,(GETDATE()-6 , 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 1)
,(GETDATE()-5 , 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 2)
,(GETDATE()-4 , 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 1)
,(GETDATE()-3 , 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 1)
,(GETDATE(), 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 5)
,(GETDATE(), 'Lawn Mower', 500.00, 3)

Lets read the contents of the table dbo.Order_Details:

select * from dbo.Order_details;

Our purpose is to mark the orders to be shipped today based on upto 25% of the pending order value for each product. This is accomplished by the code below:

With CTE_Base (Order_ID, Order_Date, Product_Name, Order_Value, RowNumber, Total_Value_of_Pending_Orders_By_Product, Order_Value_As_Percent_of_Pending_Orders_By_Product)
    (select Order_ID

              ,ROW_NUMBER () over(partition by Product_Name order by Product_Name, Order_Date) RowNumber
              ,SUM(Order_Value) over(partition by Product_Name) Total_Value_of_Pending_Orders_By_Product
              ,convert(decimal(28, 15), convert(decimal(28, 15), Order_Value) / convert(decimal(28, 15), SUM(Order_Value) over(partition by Product_Name))) Order_Value_As_Percent_of_Pending_Orders_By_Product
     from dbo.Order_details with (nolock)
     where Ship_It_Today = 0)
--select * from CTE_Base

,CTE_Level1 (Product_Name, RowNumber, CutOff_Value_By_Product)
    (select a.Product_Name

               ,(select SUM(b.Order_Value) from CTE_Base b
                 where b.Product_Name = a.Product_Name
                 and   b.RowNumber <= a.RowNumber)  /  a.Total_Value_of_Pending_Orders_By_Product
     from CTE_Base a)

--select * from CTE_Level1

update a
set a.Order_Value_As_Percent_of_Pending_Orders_By_Product = b.Order_Value_As_Percent_of_Pending_Orders_By_Product
   ,a.CutOff_Value_By_Product  = c.CutOff_Value_By_Product
   ,a.Ship_It_Today                      = case
                                                              when c.CutOff_Value_By_Product <= 0.26 then 1
                                                              else a.Ship_It_Today
   ,a.Shipping_Date                      = case
                                                              when c.CutOff_Value_By_Product <= 0.26 then GETDATE()
                                                              else null
from dbo.Order_details a
inner join CTE_Base b
on a.Order_ID = b.Order_ID
inner join CTE_Level1 c
on  b.Product_Name = c.Product_Name
and b.RowNumber    = c.RowNumber
where a.Ship_It_Today = 0
and a.Shipping_Date is null;

Now lets see the orders that need to be shipped today. It may be noted that we have shipped upto 25% of the orders by value for each product today:

select * from dbo.Order_details;



Designing databases is a common activity for most of us. Assigning proper datatypes to attributes within entities is a part of that. Once promoted to production when thousands of users pound these tables, the DBA usually keeps track of the growth trends of databases and tables within them. For a DBA, maintaining these statistics (apart from numerous others) is important to see how the application is doing, how the
user-response is varying and how the hardware is being utilized.

When an application slows down and the database response is poorer, there could be several contributing factors like bad database layout, sub-optimal database design, ill-designed application (no SP's/adhoc TSQL), ill-written stored procedures, improper allocation of CPU/memory, and a few more and several
combinations of them. A common problem that I as a DBA came across is inapropriate dataypes for fields during design phase but detected a few months after implementation. This is so rampant especially when a DBA is not part of the design or is hired after the fact. I would like to share one such case with you today.

Building up a scenario:

The first step for me is to get a list of a few of the largest tables (in terms of row counts) in a database. Then I need to get the size of these individual tables (on disc) as well. Having done that, I can figure out the largest tables in terms of rowcount and size on disc.

I would also like to see how many rows (on an average) reside on each data page allocated to the table. Let us call it "row density" for our discussion.

To get this data, I used to use different methods in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005. However in SQL Server 2008, I use the undocumented system function, sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter and the system stored procedure sp_MSForEachTable. I use them for a quick view of the database tables for my own benefit rather than to send a report to the CTO as these objects are unsupported.


select sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter (%%physloc%%) Rows_per_Page from Orders

The results look like the following:



Each row in the result set represents one row in Orders table. So there would be as many rows in this result set as there are rows in the table, Orders.

Let's describe the three portions in the result above: 1:90536:0. First portion, 1 is the id of the data file on which the page (90536) containing this row (first row = Row 0) exists. You may observe that rows numbered 1 and 2 in the result set above also reside on the same page, 90536. Please note the first row
contained in a page is the 0th row in the result set above as the counting starts from 0 onwards instead of from 1. In effect, there are 3 rows in the page 90536 for this table. So our row_density is 3.0.

Most of us are very familiar with the system stored procedure, sp_msforeachtable. It performs the same set of prescribed activities on all tables in a given database. As it has been discussed so often on the forums, I would skip its description here.

Now let's customize the usage of sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter and sp_msforeachtable for each table so that we can obtain more user-friendly results for analysis and action:


NAME : Table Size script.
Author : Suresh K Maganti
Purpose: Get Pages, pages per row, Table size for each table. Find large tables with low row-density.
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP') is not null
drop table #TEMP

create table #TEMP (Table_Name varchar(100) null
,Pages int null
,Rows_Per_Page decimal(28,4) null
,Rows_in_Table as convert(decimal(28, 0), Pages * Rows_Per_Page)
,Table_Size_MB as convert(decimal(28, 0), (convert(decimal(28,2), Pages) * 8192.00) / (1024.00 * 1024.00)))

insert into #TEMP (Table_Name, Pages, Rows_Per_Page)
exec sp_msforeachtable 'select ''?'', count (Page_Number) Numer_of_Pages_in_Table, isnull(Avg (isnull(convert(decimal(28, 4), Rows_Per_Page), 0.0000)), 0.0000) Avg_Rows_Per_Page
(select substring(SUBSTRING(File_Page_Row, CHARINDEX('':'', File_Page_Row, 1) + 1, 100), 1, charindex('':'', SUBSTRING(File_Page_Row, CHARINDEX('':'', File_Page_Row, 1) + 1, 100), 1)-1) Page_Number, COUNT(1) Rows_Per_Page
(select sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter (%%physloc%%) File_Page_Row from ?) a
group by substring(SUBSTRING(File_Page_Row, CHARINDEX('':'', File_Page_Row, 1) + 1, 100), 1, charindex('':'', SUBSTRING(File_Page_Row, CHARINDEX('':'', File_Page_Row, 1) + 1, 100), 1)-1)) b'

select * from #TEMP
order by 2 desc, 3 asc

if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP') is not null
drop table #TEMP

Here is the result set:

Table_Name Pages Rows_Per_Page Rows_in_Table Table_Size_MB
----------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------
[dbo].[Order_Details] 100021 35.0380 3511193 783
[dbo].[Order_Master] 3345 83.1629 278180 26
[dbo].[Customer_Details] 2376 526.0118 1249804 19
[dbo].[Customer_Master] 358 404.1006 144668 3


I have shown the partial result set above for our explanation.

From past designs and analyses, I generally mark tables with under 100 rows/page as problematic. I always try to find ways to bring this figure to 100 rows/page or more in consultaion with the application development teams. Sometimes it requires further normalization as well. In our example, Order_Details
table is our largest (~3.5 million rows) occupying ~783 MB of disc space. However, the row density is just around ~35. If we could increase the row density somehow, we could auotmatically bring down the table size on disc.

Let's see the table structure now:

Sp_help [Order_Details]

Column_name Type Computed Length Prec Scale Nullable

--------------------- ------------ ---------------- -------------- ---------- ----------- -----------------
Order_ID int no 4 10 0 no
Product_ID int no 4 10 0 no
Specifications nvarchar no 400 yes
Status varchar no 255 yes


Observations and verifications:

The column, [Specifications] has the datatype nvarchar(400). In our case, we do not store unicode values in this column as per the application team.
There is a composite clustered index on the columns (Order_ID, Product_ID) with fillfactor = 100.
There is no compression on this table or its index.
This is a pretty normalized table with just 4 columns.
This table is not partitioned.

If we could change the dataype for the column, [Specifications] to varchar(400), we could reduce the storage space.
If we could compress the lone index and the table data, we could reduce the table size further.

Evaluation of recommendations:
Let us estimate our gains through page compression:

sp_estimate_data_compression_savings @schema_name = 'dbo', @object_name = 'Order_Details', @index_id = 1, @partition_number = 1, @data_compression = 'Page'

Here is the result:
object_name schema_name index_id partition_number size_with_current_compression_setting(KB) size_with_requested_compression_setting(KB)
Order_Details dbo 1 1 983688 758784


That's almost a gain of 23% space. Let us estimate our gains through row compression:

sp_estimate_data_compression_savings @schema_name = 'dbo', @object_name = 'Order_Details', @index_id = 1, @partition_number = 1, @data_compression = 'Page'

Here is the result:
object_name schema_name index_id partition_number size_with_current_compression_setting(KB) size_with_requested_compression_setting(KB)
Order_Details dbo 1 1 983688 969192

With row compression, our gain is around 1.5% only. So we could definitely benefit from Page compression in this case.


So here we go with the implementation:

--Change the datatype from nvarchar(400) to varchar(400)
alter table [dbo].[Order_Details] alter column [Specifications] varchar(400) null

--Compress the clustered index using PAGE compression:
alter index all on [dbo].[Order_Details] rebuild with (fillfactor = 95, Data_Compression = PAGE, maxdop = 1)

--Compress the table using PAGE compression (Not necessary if the above step is done):
alter table [dbo].[Order_Details] rebuild Partition = All with (Data_Compression = PAGE, maxdop = 1)


Now let's run our script again to see the row density and table sizes:

NAME : Table Size script.
Author : Suresh K Maganti
Purpose: Get Pages, pages per row, Table size for each table. Find large tables with low row-density.
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP') is not null
drop table #TEMP

create table #TEMP (Table_Name varchar(100) null
,Pages int null
,Rows_Per_Page decimal(28,4) null
,Rows_in_Table as convert(decimal(28, 0), Pages * Rows_Per_Page)
,Table_Size_MB as convert(decimal(28, 0), (convert(decimal(28,2), Pages) * 8192.00) / (1024.00 * 1024.00)))

insert into #TEMP (Table_Name, Pages, Rows_Per_Page)
exec sp_msforeachtable 'select ''?'', count (Page_Number) Numer_of_Pages_in_Table, isnull(Avg (isnull(convert(decimal(28, 4), Rows_Per_Page), 0.0000)), 0.0000) Avg_Rows_Per_Page
(select substring(SUBSTRING(File_Page_Row, CHARINDEX('':'', File_Page_Row, 1) + 1, 100), 1, charindex('':'', SUBSTRING(File_Page_Row, CHARINDEX('':'', File_Page_Row, 1) + 1, 100), 1)-1) Page_Number, COUNT(1) Rows_Per_Page
(select sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter (%%physloc%%) File_Page_Row from ?) a
group by substring(SUBSTRING(File_Page_Row, CHARINDEX('':'', File_Page_Row, 1) + 1, 100), 1, charindex('':'', SUBSTRING(File_Page_Row, CHARINDEX('':'',

File_Page_Row, 1) + 1, 100), 1)-1)) b'

select * from #TEMP
order by 2 desc, 3 asc

if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP') is not null
drop table #TEMP

Here is the result set:

Table_Name Pages Rows_Per_Page Rows_in_Table Table_Size_MB
----------------------------------- ------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ---------------
[dbo].[Order_Details] 51103 68.7081 3511190 399
[dbo].[Order_Master] 3345 83.1629 278180 26
[dbo].[Customer_Details] 2376 526.0118 1249804 19
[dbo].[Customer_Master] 358 404.1006 144668 3

Please note that for the table, [dbo].[Order_Details] the row density(rows per page) has gone up from 35 to 68 now. At the same time, the table size itself has come down from 783MB to 399MB, a saving of almost 50% disc space. But that is not all. Let's try to compare the statistics before and after our changes to the Order_Details table by simply getting its rowcount using the following code:

set statistics io on
set statistics time on
set statistics profile on

select COUNT(1) from dbo.Order_Details with (nolock)

set statistics io off
set statistics time off
set statistics profile off


Before changes:
Table 'Order_Details'. Scan count 3, logical reads 79825, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

SQL Server Execution Times: CPU time = 500 ms, elapsed time = 247 ms.

After changes:

Table 'Order_Details'. Scan count 3, logical reads 51193, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

SQL Server Execution Times: CPU time = 483 ms, elapsed time = 241 ms.


You may note that the logical reads have come down by almost 36%. CPU time has reduced only marginally because there is a storage overhead due to compression. However reduction in logical reads enhances performance when this same table is joined with other tables.


Required Design changes can be ascertained by our script.
Implemenation of optimal datatypes and appropriate compression level could reduce the disc space usage by around 50% and logical reads by around 36%. (Please note that these results could vary by tables depending on the datatypes and characteristics of the columns within the tables.)
Different studies show an increase in CPU utilization by 1% to 2% due to compression (not in our specific case though). So please do test and verify your improvements before implementation.